Membership Profile

The Membership Profile provides you an overview of the Membership records within netFORUM.

Membership Profile Information

The Membership profile displays the following information:

Field Description
Customer The Member's name. This may be an individual or an organization.
Association The Association this Membership is part of.
Chapter The Chapter Membership this profile is part of.
Member Type The specific Member Type this Membership belongs to.
Member Status The current Member Status.
Member Package The Member Package the Membership belongs to.
Renewal Package The Renewal Package that will be assigned when the Expire Date occurs. This may not always match the Member Package if your Association upgrades Memberships upon renewing. For example, Associate Members might become Contributing Members after a certain period of time.
Source Code The source of the Membership if your organization tracks that information such as another member referral, an online ad, or an event attendance.
Join Date The date the Member joined originally.
Effective Date The date the current Membership was activated.
Expire Date The date the current Membership expires.
Termination Date The date the current Membership was terminated.
Termination Reason The reason why the membership was terminated.
Rejoin Date The date on which the membership was reactivated.

Membership Profile Actions

You can perform the following actions from the Membership Profile:

  • Edit the Profile
  • Note: The following buttons are not active if the Membership has been terminated. The Rejoin and Edit buttons are available on terminated membership profiles. To access the Transfer, Renew, and Edit buttons the Member must first Rejoin.

  • Transfer
  • Renew

Membership Child Forms

The child forms section of the Membership Profile is divided into several tabs. Each tab contains child forms with information related to the Membership.

The following tabs are available:

  • Financial
  • Log

Financial Tab

Use the Financial tab to view details about the finances that connected with this membership, such as the invoice created when the member bought the membership. The Financial tab has the following child forms:

  • Invoices
  • Installments
  • Related Memberships And Subscriptions
  • Customer Payment Info

Log Tab

Use the Log tab to see a history of membership changes. The Log tab has one child form: the History/Audit Trailchild form.